Monday, November 1, 2010

Fascinating Reading!

Great stuff over at
A Passion for Pipes. Even we old dog pipe smokers have a lot to learn.
Here's a little intro to what Neill has to say-

"This three-part series will go in my book in the chapter: On Successful Pipe Smoking. It explores a number of issues, most notably 1) How and why blends develop; 2) Matching tobaccos to pipes; 3) How chamber geometry affects tobacco flavor; 3) Why draft hole diameter is relevant to tobacco flavor; and 4) Where tobacco flavor really comes from. The three series posts are:

1) The Mystery of the transforming tobacco
2) Finding that magic fit between pipe and tobacco
3) How and why chamber geometry affects tobacco flavor

In developing this series, I used research findings I unearthed that were developed by scientists who were researching the relationship between the chemical composition of smoke and tobacco-burning temperature. The experiments and findings were initially part of a cancer research study, but their findings and methodology have much broader utility."

Take a look if you haven't already. It will make you think and maybe make you want to do a little experimenting on your own. -T

Above image from Neill Roan' article

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