On a hot steamy southern night we dragged Neill to our favorite haunt for a few drinks and a few bowls. I think we all had a great time- I know I did! -T
It may seem like we here at Two Cousins aren't doing much. That we are not furthering the cause of pipe smoking or at least not providing comfortable homes for pipes like we should. We have been busy and for the first time we are actually busy with commission work. I won't go so far as to say we have a lengthy waiting list, but the work is steady. Thanks be to the pipe gods! We do have some ideas for new racks that we will work on as time allows and of course post here asap. But for now this commission thing is kinda cool. It's fun working with pipe smokers to come up with pipe rack designs to fit their needs. So if you have something special you want made for your collection, please drop us a line. We'll be happy to work w/ you. -T
Last night was our 1st Friday! Yes, it was Saturday night, but that's
a long and pretty uninteresting story. I'll skip it for now. We get together once a month at our favorite midtown haunt and talk politics, religion, home life, wives, children and of course pipes and tobaccos and whatever else that crosses our minds. There are 4 of us (occasionally 5) and we have been friends for ...well, a long time, so this monthly meeting is always looked forward to with a lot of anticipation. It's great having friends that you can discuss the afore mentioned topics without coming to blows. And we get to smoke pipes and cigars! Because o
f the current laws we do have to sit out on the deck, but it's covered and pleasant and we have a great waitress (Wendy, seen in the photo w/ Mark. Chuck is in the other blurry photo w/ his favorite lovat.) who let's us stay for hours. She even saves our table for us, and this is not the kind of place where you call ahead for reservations. It's great to have friends. -T
There's nothing better (well, ok- there is - but I won't attempt to list them all here.) than a warm Sunday morning in the backyard. Coffee, pipes and the perfect reading material! And lest you think me lazy- a sketchbook for pipe rack ideas. Yes, here at Two Cousins we never rest! -T